> ASP+ACCESS在线手机销售系统(论文+源代码+答辩PPT) > ASP+ACCESS在线手机销售系统(论文+源代码+答辩PPT)\9)ASP 在线手机销售系统\HandsetPro\handset\admin\productList.asp

    <!-- #include file = "include/sysbase.asp" -->
<!-- #include file = "../include/config.asp" -->
	' 将所有厂商添加到下拉列表框中
	' 说明:这里只添加ProductType表中SuperId=0的记录
	' 参数:
	'	nTypeId:当前选种的厂商名称ID
	'	szCtlName:下拉列表框的名称,在获取表单中的数时用
	function TypeToSelect(nTypeId, szCtlName)
		dim strSQL
		dim rsType
		dim tempi
		dim nID, szName
		Response.Write	"<SELECT name =""" & szCtlName & """>"
		Response.Write	"<option value = ""0"">全部分类</option>"
		strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ProductType WHERE SuperID = 0"
		set rsType = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
		rsType.Open strSQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly 
		if rsType.EOF And rsType.BOF then
			Response.Write	"</SELECT>"
			Set rsType = Nothing
			exit function
			do while not rsType.eof 
				nID = rsType("id")
				szName = rsType("name")
				Response.Write "<option value = "& nID
				if CInt(nID) = CInt(nTypeId) then Response.Write " selected"
				Response.Write ">"
				Response.Write szName &"</option>"
		end if
		Response.Write	"</SELECT>"
		Set rsType = Nothing
	end function

	dim ProductTypeDic, strSQL, rsObj, rsType
	dim thisUrl
	'将商品类型编号和名称加入到ProductTypeDic 备用
	Set ProductTypeDic  =  Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ProductType "
	set rsType = conn.Execute (strSQL)
	dim tempID, tempName
	do while not (rsType.eof or err)
		tempID = CStr(rsType("id"))
		tempName = rsType("Name")
		ProductTypeDic.Add tempID, tempName
	Set rsType = Nothing

	dim page, myKeyword, ProductType
	myKeyword = RealString(Request.Form("myKeyword"))
	ProductType = RealString(Request.Form("ProductType"))
	if ProductType = "" then ProductType  =  "0"
	page = Request.QueryString("page")
	if (page = "" or IsEmpty(page)) then page = 1
	thisUrl = "productList.asp?ProductType=" & ProductType & "&myKeyword=" & myKeyword
	Session("adminOldUrl") = thisUrl&"&page = "&page

	'组织SQL语句,注意这里WHERE 1=1的妙用
	strSQL = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE 1 = 1"
	if not (myKeyword = "" or IsEmpty(myKeyword) ) then
		strSQL = strSQL & " AND name like '%" & myKeyword& "%' "
	end if
	if ProductType>0 then
		strSQL = strSQL & " AND ProductType =" & ProductType
	end if
	strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER by id desc"

	set rsObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
	rsObj.Open strSQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly 
	rsObj.pagesize = conMaxPerPage

	<meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = gb2312">
	<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "include/main.css" type = "text/css">
	<script language = "JavaScript">
		function recommend(i){
			if (confirm("确定 推荐/取消推荐 该手机("+i+"号手机)?") == 1){
				window.location = "proRecommend.asp?id=" + i;
		function deleteMe(i){
			if(confirm("确定删除?(无法恢复)") == 1){
				window.location = "proDel.asp?id=" + i;
		// -->
	<script language = Javascript src = "../include/opennew.js"></script>

<body  text = "#000000" leftmargin = "0" topmargin = "2">
<div align = center>手机列表</div>
<table width = "98%" border = "1" bordercolordark = #9CC7EF bordercolorlight = #145AA0 cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "4" align = "center">
	<!-- 这里是产品搜索表单 -->
    <form method = "post" action = "productList.asp" name = "form1">
		<td colspan = "9" bgcolor = "#4296E7"> 
			<div align = "right"> 
			<input type = "text" name = "myKeyword" size = "16">
			<% call TypeToSelect(ProductType, "ProductType") %>
			<input type = "submit" name = "Submit" value = "搜索">
  <!-- 下面这个 tr 标记为手机列表头--->
  <tr bgcolor = "#5EA5E6"> 
    <td width = "6%" nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">编号</font></div>
    <td  nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">手机名称</font></div>
    <td width = "2%" nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">荐</font></div>
    <td width = "12%" nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">手机类别</font></div>
    <td width = "9%" nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">会员价(¥)</font></div>
    <td width = "9%" nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">市场价(¥)</font></div>
    <td width = "7%" nowrap> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">订购量</font></div>
	<td width = "15%" nowrap bgcolor = "#5EA5E6"> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">手机图片</font></div>
	<td width = "9%" nowrap bgcolor = "#5EA5E6"> 
      <div align = "center"><font color = "#FFFFFF">删除</font></div>
	dim nID, i
	dim bShowAdd, sAddPage
	i = 1
	if not (rsObj.eof or err) then rsObj.move (page-1)*conMaxPerPage
	do while not (rsObj.eof or err) 
		nID = rsObj("id")
		<td width = "6%"><%=nID%>&nbsp;</td>
		<td  style = "cursor:hand" title = "点击查看具体信息" onClick = "Javascript:window.location = 'proModify.asp?id=<%=rsObj("id")%>'" ><%=rsObj("name")%>&nbsp;</td>
		if rsObj("recommend") = 1 then %>
		<td width = '2%' bgcolor = "rgb(210,232,255)" style = 'cursor:hand' onClick = 'recommend(<%=nID%>)'>√
		<td width = '2%' style = 'cursor:hand' onClick = 'recommend(<%=nID%>)'>×
		end if
		<td width = "12%"> 
		Response.Write ProductTypeDic.item(cstr(rsObj("ProductType")))
		'Response.Write rsObj("ProductType")
		<td width = "9%"><%=rsObj("memberPrice")%>&nbsp;</td>
		<td width = "9%"><%=rsObj("marketPrice")%>&nbsp;</td>
		<td width = "7%"><%=rsObj("buyNum")%></td>
		<td width = "15%"> 
		<div align = "center"> 
<%if rsObj("smallImg") = "nothing" then%>
			<img src = "../images/smallImgAdd.gif" width = "20" height = "20" title = "添加小图片" style = "cursor:hand" onClick = "opennew('proAddPic.asp?type=smallImg&id=<%=nID%>','addPicture',400,80)" align = "absmiddle"> 
<%else %>
			<img src = "../images/smallImgMod.gif" width = "20" height = "20" title = "修改小图片" style = "cursor:hand" onClick = "opennew('proAddPic.asp?type=smallImg&id=<%=nID%>','addPicture',400,80)" align = "absmiddle"> 
<%end if %>
<%if rsObj("bigImg") = "nothing" then%>
			<img src = "../images/bigImgAdd.gif" width = "20" height = "20" title = "添加大图片" style = "cursor:hand" onClick = "opennew('proAddPic.asp?type=bigImg&id=<%=nID%>','addPicture',400,80)" align = "absmiddle"> 
<%else %>
			<img src = "../images/bigImgMod.gif" width = "20" height = "20" title = "修改大图片" style = "cursor:hand" onClick = "opennew('proAddPic.asp?type=bigImg&id=<%=nID%>','addPicture',400,80)" align = "absmiddle"> 
<%end if %>
	<td  align=center  nowrap > 
      <a href="javascript:deleteMe(<%=nID%>)">删除</a>
		i = i+1
		if i>conMaxPerPage then exit do
  <tr bgcolor = "#4296E7"> 
    <td colspan = "9"> 
    	<% bShowAdd  =  True 
		   sAddPage  =  "proAdd.asp"
		<!-- #include file = "include/pageguide.asp"-->
			Set rsObj  =  Nothing